About Me

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I am a small town girl living the big city life with my superhero hubby and our superhero- in-training son! I love Jesus and junior mints and have a secret addiction to Neil Diamond and Cat Steven's music. I love a good theme party, the smell of pretty stationary, a good book and a glass of ice tea with an orange slice in it. I am fairly certain that given a cape and a nice tiara, I could save the world.

Friday, May 4, 2012

Do or do not. There is no try.

It's National Star Wars Day today did you know that? It's also apparently National No Pants Day which my son celebrates every day of the year with great passion and I'm hoping I don't run into anyone else today that's celebrating that. 
I had the honor of attending Project Mom last weekend where I got to spend the night in a lovely hotel, go to the bathroom by myself, talk to grown women about real issues (not toilet training & picky eating) but issues related to women and mothers in general.  It was an awesome weekend and I left feeling refreshed and on fire to come back home and really implement some of the wonderful things I heard and learned at the conference.  Of all the great speakers I heard and met it was the final keynote speaker that gave me an "ah ha!" moment.  Kat Lee, at  Inspired to Action http://inspiredtoaction.com/ began by quoting the late, great Yoda who said, "Do or do not.  There is no try".  She went on to illustrate this with a chair saying we either pick up the chair or we don't pick it up but we can't "try" to pick up a chair  She wasn't even talking about weight loss but it was at that moment I got it.  For over a year I have whined to my friends and family, neighbors and grocery cashiers that "I've been trying to lose this weight and I just can't".  That's simply not true.  If I eat well and exercise I will lose weight and get healthy but I can't try to do that, I must actually do it.  This has been an incredible week for me, I've gotten an amazing outpouring from friends who identify with my struggles (I seriously thought I was all alone I'm not kidding), people who are cheering me on and want me to succeed and I feel like I am ready to really face down the reasons why I struggle with food so much.  I don't want to be like Luke Skywalker who whined  his way through the better part of 2 movies.  I want to just get in there and fight for myself and my health, I want to be a doer.


  1. When I told my husband about Kat Lee and her story of Tony Robbins trying to pick up the chair, before I even finished he stopped me and said, "He didn't invent that. Yoda said that 30 years ago." What a nerd. :)

    Anyway, I also loved their theory on "try." It just motivated me to keep going. A weight loss journey doesn't ever have an end, so if you're always trying you'll never get anywhere. You have to "do" even if that's continual.
